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Artificial Intelligence Initiative


Artificial Intelligence 101

Beyond Surveillance Apathy: Considering the Importance of Privacy when Using AI & Other Classroom Technologies

Re-thinking Writing Assessment in Light of ChatGPT 

AI, Education and Changing Cultural Values

When Does Allocation Require Prediction?

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Teaching Resources

Chat GPT & Writing Assignments

The Dark Side of ChatGPT: 6 Generative AI Risks to Watch

Water's Library AI in Higher Education Research Guide

Background Resources

Office of Educational Technology Statement

House Bill No. 2060


It is no surprise that the use of AI in higher education and classroom use has been a topic of interest for state, national, and international media. In an effort to assist faculty teaching courses this summer to identify expectations for AI use in their courses, attached is suggested language regarding the use of AI in the identified course. This will be sent to all faculty teaching this summer, so that they can easily add to a syllabus, and offer students clarity for AI use in each course.

Please note that faculty teaching this summer will be encouraged to include the language identified (not required), but most importantly, faculty are asked to clearly identify their expectations of AI use (to no use of AI being acceptable) for each course they teach from the onset of the course.

Syllabus Language

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